
Boney M

  Год выпуска  
  #       Название       Моя оценка       Время       Битрейт       Размер файла  
  1       Boonoonoonoos               4:40                  
  2       That's Boonoonoonoos/Train to Skaville/I Shall Sing               5:56                  
  3       Silly Confusion               7:18                  
  4       Ride to Agadir               5:11                  
  5       Jimmy               4:10                  
  6       African Moon               3:02                  
  7       We Kill the World (Don't Kill the World)               6:33                  
  8       Homeland Africa (Ship Ahoi)               4:21                  
  9       Malaika               3:27                  
  10       Consuela Biaz               4:37                  
  11       Breakaway               4:18                  
  12       Sad Movies               3:22                  
  13       Goodbye My Friend               5:26                  

  Автор обзора: Donald A. Guarisco  

By the turn of the 1980s, German production whiz Frank Farian had transformed his pet project Boney M. into a successful worldwide phenomenon. As a result, he decided to push the group in a more ambitious direction with their next outing, Boonoonoonoos. Since the disco sound that had contributed to the group's fame was quickly dying out, Farian downplayed dance rhythms on this set in favor of international-flavored pop in the vein of ABBA. The strongest example of this development is "Consuela Biaz," a tale of revolution in a Latin American country done in the style of ABBA's "Fernando." Elsewhere, the group tries on a number of different styles that cover everything from synth pop ("Silly Confusion") to African-styled worldbeat ("Malaika"). The best of these experimental tracks is "Ride to Agadir," an exciting tale of religious revolution that starts as a beautifully harmonized a cappella tune and builds into a grandiose orchestrated epic. The problem with Boonoonoonoos is that it lacks the strong material n Далее...

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